Question95 LHS, cranks but doesnt start. No cough, no nothing. Check engine light doesn't stay on. All fuses okay. Fuel pump doesn't whirr at turn-on.
A small squirt of ether into hose between air cleaner and plenum has it run for a second.
Checked voltage at fuel pump harness, it DOES have 12V for 2 seconds, no pump whirr heard even with access cover open.
checked codes, have a 12 and a 66-PCM not receiving messages from bus.
I'm assuming the fuel pump must be bad, since i'm not getting any sound, even though theres the 2-second voltage right at the connector.
but should I be concerned about that 66 ?
Or is that normal when the engine doesn't start ?
AnswerThe key-dance codes are great for some cars as far as diagnostics go but when it comes to body/electrical diagnosis or newer cars like your LH body car the Key-Dance codes really are lacking. I've not addressed the code 66 before because I've always had the dealer scan tool on hand to get the full code definition.
As far as the no-start condition I would tell you to either put gas in it or verify that you parked it with a definite 1/4 tank or more. Don't go off of the gauge itself. You've actually got to know for sure you parked it with fuel in it or you put over 2 gallons in there. Sending units can lie.
If you continue to spray a fuel source in to the intake while it's running will the car run? This may be difficult to do since you've got two throttle bodies and you'll more than likely be spraying in to the intake snorkel instead of the TB's themselves.
Have you tried cycling the key in to the on position (not crank) several times and then crank it up?