Chrysler Repair: A/C, alternator-power steering belts: 3.0L V-6, dodge carvan, crankshaft pulley
Questionhow do you change these belt and where is the belt taughter on a 94 dodge carvan with 3.00 engine
AnswerHi Milt:
Both belts have idler pulleys, and the A/C compressor belt is adjusted by moving the location of the pulley. On the alternator-power steering belt, the idler pulley is fixed but there is a second pulley on an adjacent spring-loaded tensioner that serves an automatic dynamic tensioner.
To remove or replace the alternator-power steering belt, you put a wrench on the dynamic tensioner pulley bolt and apply clockwise rotation to release the belt tension and hold it while you remove the belt. Be sure to notice the belt pathway for installing a new one. Again you pull clockwise on the pulley bolt while applying the belt, then release the pull and let the tensioner set the belt tension automatically.
To remove and replace the A/C belt you loosen the lock nut on its idler pulley, then notice a vertically mounted bolt on the pulley mounting bracket. By rotating that nut you can reduce the belt tension sufficiently to remove the belt. Then put on the new belt and tighten the belt tension by turning the adjusting screw to move the pulley. When you reach a tension where the deflection of the belt will be about 3/8" when a force of 10 lbs. is applied midway between the longest gap of the belt (between the compressor and the crankshaft pulley. Then tighen the pulley lock nut.
Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.