Chrysler Repair: Jeep Grand Cherokee Repair, jeep grand cherokee, advance auto parts

Hi Roland , I talked to you about 6 weeks a go about my Jeep and it not running right when it was cold, you directed me to the teperature sensor and that worked. I have a oil leak problem I mentioned to you before and you thought it might have been the oil pressure sending unit leaking down on the oil filter but I see it's leaking around the part that sticks out off the block and the oil filter screws onto. It's leaking about a drop every three seconds and it's coming from where this part fits onto the block. I tried to tighten it but won't move, there's a #55 torx fitting out on the end and I tried using that but won't move. I have never had that off a engine block before and don't know how they come off. That's definitely where it leaking from , I thought cleaning around it real good with laquare thinner and sealing it with this gasket cement they sell at Advance Auto Parts called the "Right stuff" , it strong like glue and will seal about anything since I can't get the oil filter adapter off. If you can tell me how to get if off I would rather fix it right than patch it. Thank you. Dan Brown

Hi Dan,
I'm pleased that the temp sensor replacement fixed that issue.
On the oil filter adapter, unless the engine is one of the units used in the Chrysler car/van line I just don't have any manuals or personal knowledge about the part that you have identified as the site of the leak. That is why I disclaim any specific info about Jeep models. Is there anyone else at Allexperts 'Jeep Repair' that you could ask?
I hope you can get some help on the leak.