Chrysler Repair: speedometer not working, not shifting: 94 LHS, 1994 chrysler lhs, chrysler lhs
QuestionHi, My 1994 Chrysler LHS stays in limp mode, and the sppedometer doesn't work. I disconnected the battery for 15 minutes but still same.
AnswerHi Mike,
The chances are good that the output speed sensor on the trans is either non-functional or one of its two wires to the transcontroller is "open". The sensor is located on the driver's side of the trans, about mid-height, at the very end of the unit. It has a light green/white wire that is connected to pin 14 and a dark blue/black to pin 13 of the trans controller located on the left side inner fender shield near the front of the engine compartment (60-way plug-in). So you might want to verify the continuity of the wires and if found to be o.k. then unscrewing the sensor and putting a new one would be in order. That will get you back the speedo function and if the limp-in was concurrent then I would expect that would go away.