Chrysler Repair: 98 Sebring hazard flaher/turn signal unit location, chrysler sebring, sebring coupe
QuestionCan you tell me the location of the flasher in the 98 Chrysler Sebring? Hazard light isn't working.
AnswerHi Shayne,
I have the manual for the '95 Sebring coupe. That shows the unit to located under the dash, mounted on a metal panel that appears to be on the right edge of the center console which is called the center stay, apparently on the left side of the stay surface. It is flat and rectangular in shape with a 10-wire plug (arranged 4/6) on the under edge.
The manual though also suggests that if only the hazards don't work then you should check the hazard switch rather than the flasher unit itself. There are three internal switches ganged together in that hazard switch and one of the pairs of contacts of those three switches maybe be oxidized. You could try some electrical contact cleaner in a spray can to see if that might repair the problem. It appears that the fuses serve both the turn and hazard function so if one is working the problem cannot be the fuses. The hazard switch also has a 10-wire plug similar to the one on the control unit. I can tell you the electrical tests of the hazard switch if you want to verify the switch contacts are making contact.