Chrysler Repair: 1998 Sebring Electrical: 30 amp fuse blowing, chrysler sebring lxi, 30 amp fuse
QuestionI have a 1998 Chrysler Sebring LXI and for whatever reason it keeps burning out the 30A motor fuse.At first it did it when the radio was on and then it started burning out when the car was in drive. So you would replace the amp and then put the car in drive, it then sputters and turns off. It seems like a short to me. Where do I start to look? And What do you think it is?
AnswerHi Rene,
You haven't given me enough specific information because there are four pink 30 amp fusible links, I believe, based upon my '95 Sebring manual, and two of those are related to the 'motor'. The one that also goes to the radio supplies the ignition switch and therefor numerous other systems thru a tree of smaller fuses under the dash. Have you verified under the dash that the fuses there are the correct sizes because if there is a short it should take out one of the smaller fuses under the dash before it blows the 30 amp fuse?
So to begin I need to know the pink fusible link number (3 or 5), and anything else in the history of this that might be helpful. There are a great many possibilities and unless you have a volt-ohmmeter and a little experience with circuit tracing this will be a challenge. I can give you copies of the wiring diagrams by xerox and postal mail if you will tell me an address to which to mail them. But think back to any historic events when this started and let me know of any. Do you have the experience to trace these, or do you have a competent auto electric mechanic nearby?
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