QuestionHi again,I took off the access cover on the drivers side by the wheel,and theres two big gears. I can move them and theres a lot of play, enough to make this noise. Should there be this much play? Thanks again Rich
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HI, I have a 2000 cirrus 2.5 auto and when i put it in gear it makes a funny noise for a few secs. Then it stops, was told it might be the shifter solenoid? It also does it when shifting at higher speeds. Where is this located? TY Rich
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Hi Rich,
The noises could be related to the solenoids or the internal clutches. There are several shift solenoids located in the solenoid box on the side of the trans that faces the front of the car. You can get into the box to service the solenoids, but it would be wise to find out from the trans controller memory whether it has observed such a malfunction and if so which solenoid. The readout is done with a diagnostic readout box that has a program to read the trans memory, as distinct from the engine controller memory. There are several dozen possible transmission codes that are four-digit numbers. You might be able to get a free readout at Autozone, and if not that then from a competent trans shop or the Chrysler dealer. I would not go to a franchise-type trans shop because they are focussed on getting you to commit to a rebuild which is a $2k job and may not be necessary. Get the codes first and see what they suggest before committing to a repair. Then if you decide to have the repair done, see if the shop will give you credit for the readout cost.
Ask for the specific code number, what it means, what is the proposed repair, and the cost. Then write back and we can evaluate the results.
P.S. Sorry for the delay, I thought I had answered this question last night but must have missed the "send" key.
AnswerHi Rich,
You have seen a part of the trans that I have not, the transfer shaft gear and the output shaft gear. I don't see any spec for the free play between the gears. If the noise is made when you have your foot on the brake (e.g. when those gears are not rotating) then I doubt they are the source of the noise. When you replace the cover apply 1/8" of silcone rubber sealant.
I still would suggest that you let a shop listen to it and also do the memory readout for fault codes.