Chrysler Repair: Intermittant power loss, accessories, 1 in 10 min., fatigue crack, conductive wire
I have an '02 T & C.
Each time, about 1 minute after the van is started, the radio, A/C and power windows loose power for about 2 seconds then power up again.
This happens intermittently every 10 minutes or so.
It happens when the van is not moving parked in my garage.
Any ideas?
AnswerHi Steve,
About the only way I know for that to happen is if the major fuse in the power distribution center (narrow box near the battery) that supplies the smaller fuses for those several system has a fatigue crack in its internal conductive wire and so when it is passing current for the radio, etc. it will heat up due to resistive losses and "open", then it cools down and works again, only to fail again after re-heating. The same thing might happen with a weak circuit breaker. I don't have the full wiring diagrams for that new a van, but you might check the power distribution center lid for the assignments for the various systems you listed and see if there is one common fuse or circuit breaker that serves all three systems.