Chrysler Repair: Minivan rear windows and powerport, haynes manual, electrical issues
QuestionHi Roland: I have a Chrysler full size minivan 1998 and love it even with 250,000 miles but couple electrical issues. Both rear windows stopped working recently (at the same time) can't find any fuse. Suggestions? Since they both quit I don't think it is the motor. My son gets a little gassy so we need them to vacate the air. Also, the front powerport keeps blowing fuses. Back one seems to work fine. Do I just need to replace the power port? Thanks in advance.
AnswerHi Lawrence,
I checked the Haynes manual and it says that if the rear windows both don't work to check the rear lockout switch for continuity in the unlocked position. Because I haven't experience with that vehicle I can't describe where the rear lockout switch is located, so check the owners manual. On the powerport, I also am not familiar with what that is. But you could compare the electical characteristics of the two units in the van to see if the one that blows fuses has a very low resistance to ground compared to the one that doesn't. Then you could examine its wires for a short or look at the circuit board to see if there are any blown comonents that can be replaced. If not available then consider replacing the unit.