Chrysler Repair: fuel filter, fuel line fittings, manual roland
Question2001 Chysler town and country 3.8 lxi
Where or where is the fuel filter on this thing, please don't tell me it's in the fuel tank.
Thanks David Price
AnswerHi David,
No its not in the fuel tank, but according to my '96-9 Haynes van manual (30011) it is on top of the fuel tank, adjacent to the fuel pump module's top fitting. That manual suggests that the tank needs to be lowered a bit to give you the space to access it for replacement. This lowering means that you have to support the tank with a floor jack with wood spacer on its lift pan, then remove the two supporting strap bolts, and carefully lower the tank by releasing some of the hyraulic pressure of the floor jack so it drops the tank just enough for you to access the filter. The filter has a bracket and bolt that has to be undone to release it from the mounting.
If you don't have access to that manual let me know and I'll xerox and snail mail you a copy of that pages which also describes the fuel line fittings that you need to manipulate in order to disconnect it and replace. I would be inclined to not start on this project without a manual. I am assuming that your 2001 is identical to what is shown in my manual.