Chrysler Repair: front axle replacement procedure, privacy mail, xerox copies
Questioni need to know step by step procedure for replacing the front wheel drive shaft axles for a 1990 chrysler 5th ave. would be happy to reinburse you for the info. thankyou
AnswerHi Ron,
That would be no problem, just tell me your postal mailing address and I'll send the xerox copies of the pages from my '89 Chrysler shop manual which I am virtually certain will be identical to your '90 car's set up.
It is so inexpensive to copy and mail there is no need for reimbursement. I assume that you aren't going to rebuild the cv's but rather change out the entire half axle. If you are intending to just replace the boots on the old axles let me know and I'll include the pages that show how to do that. You might find that would be an economical way to go if the cv's are o.k. still but just the boots need to be replaced. In my experience if the cv's have not run too long with leaky boots they will still be usable.
If you are concerned about privacy mail the address to
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