Chrysler Repair: chrysler lebaron 85, chrysler lebaron, variable resistor
QuestionHi Roland. How are U my friend? Thanxx for the help on the radiator issue! I'm planning to change the engine oil, but I don't know how many letres I should buy. Is there anything that I should pay special attention to, like a procedure or something? Thanxx very much.
AnswerHi Miro,
On the fuel gauge, I would check the wiring at the fuel tank. The dark green/black wire is a ground lead that attaches to the body in the trunk, under the carpet at the place where the latch is located. Then I would check that there is continuity from the dark blue wire all the way to the gauge cluster where the dark blue wire will be found on pin F of the 11-pin connector on the left side. Also check the ground on pin 4 of the right connector plug (black wire) that grounds behind the passenger side cowl panel. If the wires are all proven to be continuous, then the fuel gauge float or variable resistor may be the cause of your 'false empty' reading. If the float wasn't floating but instead sank is one possibility, or the variable resistor that is operated by the float arm might have a discontinuity in its contact at some fuel levels. You could fill the tank and see if that might not be the case. I have a '75 VW van whose gauge is doing that right now. It reads ok when I fill it but then after emptying it a bit it dives to empty or less. I attribute that to the resistor contact slider not making good contact with the resistor wire winding. So I just keep track of how far I have drive since I filled it, and knowing the mpg I can know at what odometer reading to refill the tank. Usually the gauge starts reading upscale as I empty the tank further.