Chrysler Repair: chrysler voyager 2499 cc yr 2000, chrysler voyager, train design
Questiondoes the chrysler voyager need timing belt change and how often or is it a timing chain and if so how often does it need changing/checking
AnswerHi Nick,
The 2.5L V6 is a belt drive for timing. The recommended replacement mileage is 100,000 or 105,000 depending on which Chrysler manual you reference. From what I can tell the valve train design is of the interference type so that if the belt breaks while the engine is running there would be collisions between the valves and the pistons.
You can inspect the belt by removing either the left or right timing belt covers (3 bolts each) and examining its condition. If you tend to toward driving the engine conservatively (rpm-wise) I would expect to belt to last more than 100,000 miles and would not be averse to going beyond that point with regular inspection. But with the risk of damage being what it is, I would want to inspect it regualarly at maybe 5,000 increments if that proves to be straight forward to do. I personally have a non-intereference 4 cyl 2.5L of the previous era and that is my stategy at 101,000 miles on the odometer.