Chrysler Repair: 1993 new yorker transmission, terminal pins, output pins
Questiontransmission is in safe mode - speedometer does work - replace speed sensors -- still doesn't work
how can i get the transmission out of safe mode and is the speedometer problem related
AnswerHi Gene,
The operation of the trans and speedo is dependent upon getting the speed sensor signal to the trans controller and having it utilized by the trans controller. So I would begin by verifying that the connection between the sensor plug and the trans controller is patent. The light green/white wire at the plug is connected to the trans controller pin 14. The trans controller is on the left front corner of the engine compartment and it has a 60 way connector. You can identify the pin by holding the connector with the terminal pins facing you, horizontally, with the short tab up. #1 is at the left hand end of the top row, and just move from left to right where 20 is on the right hand end of the top row. The other wire, dark blue/black is connected to pin 13. So check both of those wires. On the way to the controller the two wires pass thru a double trans-connector plug in the right rear of the engine compartment, the one that has 12 pins, and they are on pin 3 and 2 of that connector, respectively. There are actually 2 trans-related plugs in a single connector body, the other plug is 8 pins. If that works out to show the connection is patent, then you have to check whether there is a signal across the output pins of the sensor. I would try both an ohmmeter and a voltmeter put across the pins of the sensor, or you could use a very fine pins to pierce the insulator of the wires and measure across the pins while the sensor is connected to its plug. (You might put a drop of cyanoacrylate on each of the pin prick hole to reseal the point where the pins entered.) In either case you would have to have the front end of the car on jack stands with the engine running and the trans in gear to make sure the wheels were turning so that an output speed signal were being generated. If you can't see a signal then perhaps there is something wrong with the gear that drives the sensor. But that would be a mechanical effort to replace so verify that with a dealer or trans shop.
If you find the signal is reaching the trans controller yet you have no speedo and you are still in limp-in mode then I would wonder if there is something wrong with the trans controller because that signal is supposed to be put out on the digital data bus and sent to the engine controller and the speedometer via that bus. The alternative is to have the trans controller readout for fault codes via the data bus plug under the dash on the driver side (blue color, 6 pin socket). The dealer is probably the best place to have that done with the DRB II reader unless you can find a good independent shop that has the equivalent reader and data bus plug UNDER THE DASH (not in the engine comparment which is where the plug is for the engine controller readout). Get the number of the fault code, what it means, what the proposed repair is, and how much it will cost. Then write back and we'll compare that with what the manual says for that number. I would get the readout before buying a replacement trans controller which has its own pitfalls (reprogramming, getting the correct controller).
Let me know how this progresses, please.