Chrysler Repair: heater, crank arm, heater hoses
QuestionI wrote earlier when I first bought the 1994 lebaron convertible. I used your advice to fix the temperature control bar. It would not slide at all but now does. I can tell the temperature difference when it is in cold versus hot; however it still does not put out enough heat to get the car interior warm. It is 32F outside. Help!
AnswerHi Larry,
If the heater hoses are approximately the same temperature which would verify that there is a good flow rate thru the heater core, then the only other possibility is that the temp door lever is not positioned as it should be on the cable and so it is not diverting the incoming air to a sufficient degree to pass most of it thru the heater core and most of it instead is going around the heater core. So I would look again at the adustment procedure on page 24-21 and observe the function of the door crank arm to verify whether it is going thru the full range of motion: from all the air going around the core to the other extreme where all the air should goes thru core. You may want to disconnect the cable so as to allow you to manually observe the full range of motion and then verify that it is in fact moving to the full extreme position at the warm end of the slider positition when it is all hooked up. Try the heater when the door is known to be in the extreme warm position by manual setting, to experience what the best amount of heat is to expect; then reconnect the cable and make sure that you can go back and forth and still get to that full warm crank arm setting.
I hope you have success.