Chrysler Repair: 98 Chrysler Concord Wiper Washer Pump, chrysler concord, amp fuse
QuestionThe pump is bad, please help me locate it and provde guidance on how to remove and reinstall a new one.
AnswerHi Don,
My '94 manual for that car shows it to be integral with the reservoir bottle which is underneath the battery tray, mounted on the outside of the bottle with a rubber grommet to seal the connection. I would begin by checking the 10 amp fuse under the dash labelled #10. IF that is o.k. then to get to the pump remove the battery and battery tray. Then temporarily reconnect the battery, turn the ignition switch to run, and see if you are getting 12V on the brown wire at the pump connector attached to the bottom of the pump: disconnect it, and check for 12v when you try the washer function. And if that is good check that the black wire at the pump connector is grounded to the body at a common ground near the headlamp or to the - post of the battery.
If that doesn't cause the motor to run and the wires check out then replacing the pump is in order. Remove the reservoir (2 nuts) so you can gently pry the pump out of the reservoir without doing it any damage. Use a new grommet and reinsert new pump in reservoir. Retighten reservoir nuts to 8 to 10 foot-pounds.