Chrysler Repair: 1992 Voyager stalling, emergency flasher, snail mail
QuestionI have a 1992 Voyager with a 3.3L V6 Auto that stalls intermittantly. It started 4 years ago and would stall (engine) and the radio and heater would quit at the same time. When you pulled over and stopped and shifted to park it would restart right away but at other times you had to try 3 or 4 times. It would always start though. Through the years it has gotten more frequent, from twice on a 2,000km trip to once every 4 or 5 days. I have checked for codes (none) and the fuel pump was changed on the 2,000 km trip (it quit again on the way home!)
I have a wiring diagram, can you tell me where the connection is where all the fusable links are, as this seems a good place to look. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you.
AnswerHi Paul,
The fusible links are located behind the battery and are supplied by the heavy gauge black wire off the + battery post that goes thru a torpedo-shaped disconnect. The links look like solid colored spaghetti.
I looked over the wiring diagrams in my '93 van manual and I have to offer the information that the radio and the a/c-heater blower in the cabin are on separate fusible link wire circuits so your problem could either be the torpedo disconnect (if everything shuts down), or just those two links (one solid gray, of which there are two; one solid red, the larger of the two red links), or the ignition switch (separate sections of the switch are involved in the circuits that said fail). So you might want check the disconnect first, unless alot of other electricals still work when you have the die out situation. The only circuits that don't go thru the torpedo are the emergency flasher and the starter motor main current wire. I would lean toward the ignition switch being the problem. Let me know if you want the wiring diagram and I'll xerox and snail mail it to you.