Chrysler Repair: starter, chrystler, lock cylinder
Questioni put my key in the ingtion it gives me no restance will not start at all radio works when key is not iningtion is it the starter or is the ingtion switch my car is a chrystler new yorker salon 1992
To remove the under panel, unscrew the tilt lever rod (counterclockwise), then remove the screws that hold the under panel in place. You might verify that the switch body isn't simply mounted too loosely to the steering column. It has three tamper-resistance screws if you find that the switch is loose. The torx type screws can be tightened with a torx size 15 or 20 screwdriver tip available at a hardware store. That would be a very easy fix if that were the only problem.
Hi Linda,
It appears to me to be the ignition switch. You can remove the panel on the underside of the steering column to get access to the switch. The switch is very closely integrated with the key lock cylinder, and with an instruction sheet you can replace it yourself. If you can get along for a couple of days while I copy and mail you the instructions I can do that. Just give me a mailing address as where to send the pages and I'll get it in the mail this morning.