QuestionI have a 1996 Chryler, Town & Country, my windshield wiper is not working when turn on or delay, when I pump the washer it will work for one time, than it will stop. Here is what I did, I first I check the fuse and the relay, there are fine, than I replaced the wiper switch by the steering wheel, No Luck, so I replaced the wiper motor still not working, could you tell what else could that be?
Thank you
AnswerHi Lee,
By 'check the fuse' I assume that you mean both the 20 amp fuse #3 in the fuse block under the dash and the 30 amp fuse #9 in the power distribution center under the hood near the battery. If not, check both.
Also, there are two relays in that power distribution center both of which need to work: a 'wiper on' relay and a 'wiper hi/lo' relay. So it could be that you didn't replace the correct relay.
If neither of those produce the repair, then I would verify that you are getting voltage at the motor connector on the brown/white or red/yellow wires (hi or low speed, but I'm not sure which) and if you are, then check the ground lead by jumping the connector to the black wire at the wiper module directly to the - post of the battery. If that makes it work then the ground wire is not doing its job.
The last possibility, if you aren't getting power to the motor, is that there is a difficulty in the body control module which needs to ground the control coil relay of the 'wiper on' relay (red/violet or red/white wire at the power distribution center) for the power from the 30 amp fuse to be passed on the other "hi/lo" relay in that center.
Let me know if none of these make it work and then we may have to check the wiring more thorougly. I'm working from the Haynes manual which shows the wiring diagram for the wipers in the 96 and 97 models which should be applicable to your van. It is a pretty complex diagram.