Chrysler Repair: no start and no gauges or dash lights, amp fuse, chrysler concord

No blown fuses and I changed the ETAX and auto shutdown relays just incase but no luck and yes I have a volt meter. there apears to be a strange looking diode or fuesable link in the funky whire harness addition that I spoke of can it be checked?
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Question -
1993 Chrysler. Concord, first the trans would go into safe mode and all of the gages would stop working, also the Left rear door glass would not operate. (power windows) Now the car will not start and there are no dash lights or gages working at all. Looking under the hood I see that someone has replaced some wiring coming from the coil block and going to the computer module on the right front side of the engine compartment under the air box any help would be greatly appreciated. Mike
Answer -
Hi Mike,
It appears that a fuse in the power distribution center, (under the hood, on the driver's side behind the battery, next to the inner fender) a rectangular box with a lift up lid. The fuse in question is labelled "A" and will be 20 Amp. But it may not be enough to just replace the fuse if it is blown, you may have to check several of the systems that are powered by that fuse, after the current passes thru the ignition switch (starter motor relay, radio, multi-function switch, wipers, A/C control, instrument cluster gauges and lamps, trans control module, to name a few). You may need to go to the ignition switch and read the resistance of each of the circuits that are drawing on that fuse and find the one that is blowing it. But at least this is a start. Write back to verify if the fuse is blown and whether you have a volt-ohmmeter so that the resistances of the circuits can be tested rather than just to keep blowing the 20 amp fuse. If so, then see what the resistance to ground (a shiney metal surface) is of the "cold" side of the fuse socket (the contact that doesn't have 12V on it) when you have the ignition switch in the run position and when you have it in the start position. It should ideally be several ohms, not 0-1 ohm which will cause the fuse to blow again if you replace it.

Hi Mike,
While the fuse may be good, the ignition switch may not.
There are two hot wires all the time: pin 5 red and pin 10 pink/black. In the run position: pin 5 is connected to pins 4, 1 and 6, while pin 10 is connected to pin 7.
In start position: pin 5 is connected to pin 4, 1 and 8, and pin 10 is not connected to anything. Pin 2 is grounded and in start position it is connected to pin 9. Also when the key is in, pin 3 is connected to pin 2.
You can access the switch by removing the lower shroud on the steering column.

Hi Mike,
I am afraid that I can't picture what is 'with' that modified wiring. I actually haven't worked on a Concorde/LHS etc. but have the Haynes manual which shows some of the wiring on the car. The connection to the coil is 4-wires, three of which appear to go thru a couple of grounded helical shields which are to protect them from noise intrusions, I suspect. But I don't understand what fusible link/diode might have been put in that harness. Are you getting any engine cranking, and is the problem then a no start as opposed to a no crank? Have you pulled the 4 wire plug off the coil and checked to see if the dark green/orange wire has 12V on it while you are cranking it (if it cranks)? And finally have you tried for fault codes that might be stored in the powertrain controller using the ignition switch?:
Turn the key "on-off-on-off-on" and leave it on, doing this within a period of 5 seconds, then watch the check engine light* to begin flashing, pause, flashing, pause, etc. Count the numbers of flashes before each of the pauses, repeat to make sure you have a good count, group them in pairs as they came out, the last will always be five each, which gives the code number 55 (code for "end of readout"). Then tell me the other numbers which might be a clue to your no start. You can also get a code translation at:
Then we can discuss what to do to correct those faults.
*If you don't have a check engine light then there is a wiring or fuse issue to the instrument cluster that we have to solve first.