Chrysler Repair: 2002 T&C Dash cluster failure, pink wire, ground wires
QuestionOur 2002 Lxi T&C is having a little problem with its dash cluster. After running a while, all of the instruments in the cluster start dancing around. The problem is increasingly getting worse. After a while they don't show any curent speed, tac, fule, etc. I have gone through the proceedure of getting into the test mode of the dash, and it seems to reset everything temporarily. Also it gives me a SOF 4.0, E Code, E End. What do I do to fix this problem? Thanks so much.
AnswerHi Bryan,
I don't have a manual new enough to tell me about the dash trouble codes. But I do know that all that data for the dash comes over the data bus wires that are a twisted pair (color white/black and violet/brown) that come from one of the plugs on the powertrain controller. The power for the dash is probably a pink wire from fuse 28 in the power center under the hood, and the ground is a black/light green to the instrument panel ground point. So I would suggest that you remove the dash, check the plugs, and then trace the data bus wires from the dash plug back to the engine controller (probably pins 59 and 60). Also check the power and ground wires. These colors and pins come from other manuals of the 1999 era, but they probably apply to your 2002.
Let me know if this is of help.