Chrysler Repair: 96 Dodge pickup 318 mag auto 2whl. 1/2ton ext., wheel drive car, linkage area
Question This pickup's previous owner loosend bolt on linkage adj. rod by frame. The idea was so by working in large city it would be hard to steal.(not starting in Park's original notch).After reading Haynes manual I believed that the neutral saftey switch internally was affected. After dropping pan noticed a piece of cast located towards the front on the drivers side up above the internal linkage area loose.About 3"long cast iron and shaped like a door stop with a V groove on chisle point side and a cup on the other.Can I reinstall this easily and where does it go? Also I I would like a simple explanation for the throttle cable adj. w 2 people and the bolt above the saftey switch adjustment procedure since its all open now? Thank you for any help. Eric Liberal,Ks.
AnswerHi Erik,
You may not have noticed that in my experience statement at the web site I disclaimed any expertise with trucks. I just haven't ever seen the parts you are asking help about. I looked in my only manual that cover the 318 (an '83 rear wheel drive car manual) but the neutral-park switch in that vehicle is internal to the torqueflight trans.
So I can only suggest that you go by a Dodge Truck dealer's parts department and ask if you could look at the computer-based parts reader screen that shows this gear shift part system of your car to see if you can get a visual of what its parts are and how they fit together. These often show how all the parts fit together in a schematic drawing.
I wish I could be of more help. But best wishes on solving it.