Chrysler Repair: 99 Chrysler 300m, trouble with driver side window, auto glass shop, haynes manuals
QuestionI have a 1999 Chrysler 300m and for some time now, I seem to be having trouble with my driver side window closing as it seems to be either out of track or moving up and down at slight variations. It seems to be getting quite worse lately.
Since I seem to have little patience and time in going to an auto repair shop, I wonder if this is a glass issue or a door issue as I was not sure whether to take the car to the dealer or an auto glass shop. Please advise as the last thing I want is a window that cannot close anymore eventually.
AnswerHi Jeff,
I would be inclined to go to an auto glass shop because they have alot of directly applicable experience and because the hourly rate is probably more attractive. This is not high technology but does require familiarity with how to remove the foor door inner panel and then affect the necessary repair to the mechanism.
I don't have a shop manual for those doors but if you wanted to try it yourself the Haynes manuals usually have a reasonable section on the tasks involved in getting to the glass mechanism.