Chrysler Repair: INstalling DVD Head console on a Dodge Caravan 2000, dodge caravan, haynes manual

Hello Rolan,
     I want to install a DVD player on my Dodge Caravan 2000, I have the head console but I'm not sure on how can I secure the Head console to the roof of my Van and how can I get the cables connected to the 12V, ground and the Doors. Could you please let me know how can I do this?

Thanks for your time

Hi Martin,
I don't have any experience with the van body, but it is available with an overhead console which is attached with screws at the windshild and a bracket further back. I can snail mail you a drawing from the '93 manual that shows how the factory console is retained in the roof. The wires for that console are generally routed up the inside of the passenger's windshield pillar, but again whether those are installed in all the bodies is uncertain to me, or just the ones that are ordered with the overhead console. I am not sure what you mean by cables for the "doors" unless you mean for the CD unit. I have a Haynes manual for the van that covers thru '99 and I can give you the color codes for the 4 wires that are used to power the radio and the wires to the speakers. Let me know if that would be of help.