Chrysler Repair: Oil pan, haynes shop, mini caravan

Followup To
Question -
 I have a 2000 mini van Dodge Mini Caravan

IS this a tuff one to change out the oil pan
Answer -
Hi Craig,
There are actually 3 different engine blocks; which one do you have? I have the Haynes shop manual for 96-99 and the procedure is different for each of them. If you don't have access to the Haynes I will be pleased to xerox the pages that describe how to do it and snail mail them to you. Just send me a postal mail address.

it is the 3.0 engine  ( dog gone little 8 cycled )  

Hi Craig,
According to the Haynes, the main concern is that you have to support the engine from above because you must detach the engine from its four mounts*and then raise it enough to get clearance for the pan to be removed. It is important therefor to have a good support system so the engine doesn't fall on you!
1. Disconnect the battery cable
2. Raise the vehicle and support it on jack stands
3. Remove the vehicle splash pan
4. Drain the engine oil and replace the oil filter
5. Remove the exhaust pipe from the rear manifold
6. Support the engine transaxle from above with an engine support fixture or hoist. Don't get under the engine in case it should fall.
7. Unbolt the engine mounts and raise the engine sufficiently to get clearance for pan removal.
8. Remove oil pan bolts
9. Remove oil pan, don't pry between the pan and the block, rather if necessary use a block of wood and a hammer to dislodge the pan.
10. Scrape away all the sealant from the mating surfaces of the pan and the block. Clean with acetone or laquer thinner.
11. unbolt the oil pick-up tube and screen assembly.

12. Replace the gasket on the flange of the oil pick-up tube and install the tube. Tighten bolts to 21 ft-lbs
13. Ensure that the threaded holesin the block are clean (use a tap to remove sealant or corrosion from the threads.
14. Apply a small amount of RTV sealant to the oil pump to block and rear seal retainer to block junctions.Then apply a 3 mm diameter bead of RTV to the entire circumference of the flange of the oil pan (apply sealant to thecenter line of the flange except go inboard of each pan bolt hole). Do not overdue the sealant and don't use so much at the rear seal area as to cause the sealant to be forced out when the pan is installed.
Allow thesealant to set-up slightly.
15. Install the pan and thighten the bolts in three or four steps to 105 inch-pounds. Start at the right side of engine
center bolt, then the left side center bolt, then go clockwise around the pan working out toward the ends of the pan, and finishing at the right front corner of the pan.
Installation of the rest is reverse of removal steps.
Allow gasket to set up for 30 minutes to dry
Fill the crankcase, start the engine and check for oil pressure and for leaks.

* On the mounts, I would prefer to send you the two pages from the manual rather than to type in the instructions.
