Chrysler Repair: Rear Engine Seal, oil drip pan, wheel drive car

I have a 1988 Chysler fifth ave that is leaking oil,I am told it is the rear engine seal.Is there anyway to fix this with some type of sealer or something.
I was told the tranny might have come out or be moved to put new seal in and that the seal could come in two parts,might only have to replace part of seal,is that possible.
Thanks for your help.

Hi Chris,
Is that a rear wheel drive car? If so it might be a little less costly to remove the trans in order to get at the rear engine crankshaft seal (if that is the seal that is leaking) as compared to a front wheel drive vehicle.
I know there are some oil additives that are sold claiming to cause the seals to swell and thus reduce the leakage but I have no experience with them or their efficacy. But because of the age of you vehicle it would be worth trying one before investing in the labor needed to replace the seal. You could see if it cut the oil loss down to an acceptable degree, then replace the seal which you need to have work done on the trans, for example. Or just drive it if it isn't too bad a leak, and just keep an oil drip pan underneath where you park it.
It is hard to justify that labor cost for a car of 17 years age unless it is in really good shape and you have a real liking for it.
The seal is usually a full circular design, but there may be a hemicircular seal retainer, depending upon which engine you have. The seal probably costs less that $15, it is the labor that is costly.