Chrysler Repair: power windows, volt ohmmeter, t drain

My power window on the passenger side will not go down.  The car is only 3 years old.  Do you think it is the motor or something else?

Hi Owen,
Does the window operate when you try the switch on the passenger side, or does it not work with both the master and the local switch? If one or the other will make it work, then one of the switches is bad. If both switches are ineffective, then perhaps* a relay that actually applies the current for the motor may be bad. Unless there was a situation where water that gets into the door didn't drain efficiently due to a plugged drain hole in the bottom of the door which damages the motor, then I would expect the motor to be o.k. More likely would  be a bad relay. But you could also check the switches which are usually a press fit in the escutcheon and you might be able to gently lift it out. Then you could spray the internal contacts with contact cleaner available at electronics stores and see if that fixes it. The alternative is verify that the switch is o.k. with a volt-ohmmeter, and if it is then remove the inner panel of the door and check to see if the current is reaching the motor. If it is then the relay or motor is bad, if not then you will need to check the various plugs that connect the wire from the switch over to the door to find out where the open circuit is located. I don't have the wiring diagrams for cars that new, but I would suggest that you can find one at your local library perhaps. If you want to pursue it, and have the meter but not the diagram, I could go to my local library and try to find the diagram, copy it, and mail it to you. Just tell me the year and model of car you have.
*The cirrus/stratus doesn't use relays, while the LH models do. So I can't tell you for sure about your car on that detail.