Chrysler Repair: no speedo, roland roland, logic module
Question86 New Yorker 2.2 turbo The speedometer became intermit. and finally reads zero. Could it be the logic module?
AnswerHi Bill,
I have the '85 and the '87 manuals but not the '86. On the '85 turbo with electronic cluster the speedo was "modern" (electrical), while the non-turbo had a mechanical (cable driven) speedo. It sounds like you may have that electrical speedo and if so then:
No its not the logic module, the speedo signal from the transaxle extension is split and sent separately to the logic module and speedo head. Have you had any work done on the right side half axle (cv joint) lately? I'm thinking that the gear on your distance sensor which is mounted on the top of the transaxle extension housing (the part out of which the half-axles extend) has been damaged or worn out. If the right half axle is yanked out of the transaxle extension housing without having first removed the distance sensor then the sensor gear will be damaged. To check if the sensor is working you can jack up the front end and drive the front wheels with the engine and measure the pulsing of the resistance value measured across the terminals of the sensor (a plug near the sensor). It should pulse 8 times for every rotation of the right front wheel. If it doesn't, then remove the sensor and look at its gear. If it is damaged you can get the gear only without having to replace the entire sensor at a Chrysler dealership. If it checks out and so does the wiring, then the speedo is the only other possibility. You should be able to see that same pulsing at the speedo input black plug (white/orange, pin 13) wire. So that is how you could check the distance sensor, the wire from it to the speedo, and by elimination the speedo itself. If you have the mechanical cluster it too may be electronic in the '86; in '87 all the speedos were electronic using the distance sensor.