Chrysler Repair: Turning Signals & Hazard Lights Dont work, haynes manual, fuse block
QuestionI have a 1997 Chrysler LHS, My Turning signals don't work, the lights don't blink on the dash or nothing, completely dead...and when i press my Hazard lights on i get a buzzing noise from somewhere inside the dash. and they don't light up either, on the console, i checked the fuses on the side of the dash on the driver side, and all are fine, not sure what this could be.. any help would be greatly appreciated.. -Zac
AnswerHi Zac,
I think the buzzing sound from the dash is the flasher unit which may not be working anymore, and it is needed to make both of those systems flash. My Haynes manual says that it is located under the dash, between the fuse block and the brake pedal, on a bracket under the driver's side air conditioning duct. Try replacing that flasher unit, particularly if when you try the hazards it proves to be the item that is buzzing.