Chrysler Repair: ABS, dodge avenger, 1995 dodge avenger
QuestionWife drove 1995 Dodge Avenger 2.0L 10 miles with emergency brake on. Prior to this ABS light was always on. After emergency brake was released, the ABS light was off, and has remained off since, and the brake was soft. Has damage been done to the ABS system, does a sensor need to be reset for light? If major problem with ABS, can system be changed to regular standard brakes?
AnswerHi Richard,
I am not expert in ABS systems and unfortunately I am also not familiar with the Avenger model. Is that an import vehicle? Depending upon how the ememrgency brake is set up would determine how having it drag like that would affect the ABS. I doubt that it would damage the ABS. From what I understand, even if the ABS is damaged, it does not prevent the car from being braked as well as if it were a conventional brake system. Perhaps her experience mainly was to wear down the pads/shoes on the wheels that the parking brake is applied to. So you might want to check those linings, once you figure out how the parking brake works.
If the brakes aren't self adjusting, then you could adjust them to take account of the extra wear that occured.
Sorry that I can't be of more help.