Chrysler Repair: clutch replacement, clutch replacement, screw driver
Questioni have a 91 talon and i just replaced the clutch but now the vehicle wont start. My battery is good and when i turn on the car trying to start it the solonied just clicks. i was able to "jump" the starter with a screw driver it rotated and sparked. but i had no one to turn the ignition key. It worked before i started messing with it.
AnswerHello Justin and the computer-person who was kind enough to reply to me,
The response to the inadvertant duplicate question may have falsely implied some impatience on my part. The Allexperts site has a pre-formatted set of check boxes which I used to choose from, utilizing the one for "duplicate" questions, but the site has control over the message content and which I do not have an opportunity to edit. Please excuse the impersonal nature of that response.