Chrysler Repair: 94 Voyager camshaft seal removal,3.0 V6 engine, xerox copy, oil seal
Question94 Voyager camshaft seal removal, 3.0 V6 engine.
I am having difficulty removing the O ring camshaft oil seal on 3.0 V6, my after-market repair manual just touches on the subject briefly, can you help please..
AnswerHi Steve,
If it would be of help, I would be pleased to xerox copy and mail you the pages from the Chrysler manual about the camshaft seal and plug. I can't tell for sure but it appears that you may have to remove the camshaft to easily remove the oil seal. And there are some other fine points that need to be observed if you do that. I wish I could tell you more from personal experience but I haven't worked on this engine. Let me know your postal mailing address and I'll send this to you quickly.