Chrysler Repair: 2000 van water leak behind glove box, drain holes, line leak

See my **comments below.

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Question -
Soon after a dealer repair (including replacement of serpentine belt), I experienced a substantial water leak which seemed to come from behind the glove box. It was during a rainstorm. Not sure if there is any connection with that. Have had one informal diagnosis, what would you suggest I look for or try by way of narrowing down?
Answer -
Hi Charlie,
About the only source I can think of at that location is the hole in the cowl/firewall for the resistor block that allows for multiple speeds on you heater fan. Chrysler has for years created a multiple blower speed fan by using a series of resistors to change the voltage to the fan motor and these resistors generate heat so they mound


them in the plenum outside and under the windshield where air will blow over them to dissipate the heat. But that causes there to be square hole in the panel between the plenum and the inside of the van right behind the glove box so that the wire to the block can be attached and also so the block can be replaced. If the drain hole for the plenum were blocked and it filled up then the water might have leaked thru the square opening of that resistor block.

**So I would look for the plenum (excuse my ignorance, what does the plenum look like?) for evidence of water?

Is that the "informal diagnosis" you got?

**No, the diagnosis was that it was the heater core. No other explanation.
I'd guess if there were supposed to be water in the heater core it had to have a supply and an exhaust, all sealed. So if it is that, there might be a hose line leak or something like that?

You could remove the screen covering the plenum and see if you can find any drain holes that might be clogged.

**Plenum being the air intake for the heating/cooling system? I think I may be getting it now. Correct me if I'm wrong. Where can I find pictures or diagrams?

I have to admit I don't have first hand knowledge about vans and for that reason I disclaim expertise on them.

**Thanks Roland

Hi Charlie,
Correct, "mount". The plenum is the space into which the fresh air for the passenger compartment is drawn. It also usually has the windshield wiper motor and connectors, the windshield water bottle, and the resistor block in it. I don't think you will have trouble finding it at the base of the windshield, though you may have to open the hood to see all of it. There is usually a grill over it to keep leaves out. On the proposal that it is the heater core, that could be true if the water had the odor of antifreeze but otherwise not. The heater core is like your radiator and can develop a leak, but again, it usually goes right on the floor under the heater unit, not over by the glove box. And if it were the heater you would also have lost coolant from the system noticeable as an empty overflow bottle. The fact that this happened in a rain is what caused me to think of a plugged plenum. There should be drains in the bottom of it that may be plugged if my theory is correct. It is also possible for the windshield to leak, so that is another theory. I can't suggest a source for drawings, but I'm pretty sure you can go to the parts counter at the Chrysler/Dodge dealer and ask them to show you the air intake plenum area of the van in their computerized parts file.
Let me know what you find the problem to be.
And you are welcome.