Chrysler Repair: fireing order of sparkplug, neon glow, blue spark

need to know what to do when my car a 1987 lebaron seems like it wonts to start but wont .what is the fireing order.

Hi Roy,
The firing order is 1-3-4-2.
As for no start, the first thing is to check the computer for fault codes that might tells us what is wrong. Turn your ignition key: off-on-off-on-off-on within a period of 5 seconds and leave it in the on position. Then observe the check engine light to begin to flash, pause, flash, pause, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause and write them down in order as they come. Repeat the process to verify that you have them correct. Then group them in pairs to form two-digit numbers. For example the last two sets of flashes will have 5 in each, that would be the number 55, the code for "end of readout". You can get a translation of the codes at:
Write back to me for explanation or suggestions as to what to do about the codes that do come out.
If there are no codes other than 55, then do you have a voltmeter or neon glow light? If so, attach the red lead to the + post of the ignition coil and the black lead to the
- post of the battery or any convenient nearby bare metal surface of the body. Then have a helper crank the engine over and watch to see whether you have 12V reading (or a neon glow) for a full 5 seconds of cranking. Let me know what you see and I'll give you some more direction. Let me know too what you have tried so far. Why do you think the firing order is wrong, for example?
Another test would be to see if you are getting spark: remove the center wire from the distributor cap and position the tip of the wire 1/4" from the cylinder head. Then have the helper crank for 5 seconds and watch for a strong blue spark to jump the gap thru the entire 5 seconds.
A further test is to do it again, but during the 5 seconds slowly back the tip away from the head maybe another 1/4"  and keep an eye on the other end of the wire at the coil tower and watch for any sigh of arcing there. A good coil will not show any arcing at the tower.
When you first turn the igniton to "on" do you hear the fuel pump (inside the gas tank) make a noise for maybe 2 seconds or so? It should.
These are all relevant observations for figuring out a no start.
I am going to be helping a tree man take down the trunk of a eucalyptus tree in our backyard this morning but I will try to be back for any response you send to me at mid day (PST).
Happy Thanksgiving
8 am PST