Chrysler Repair: 92 lebaron, side kick panel, fuse panel

hi,my car is a 92 lebaron auto trans. 3.0 v6 contervible,my turn signals and hazard lts. stopped working.ive replaced bulbs,cked fuzes. the parking lights work,brake lts work,head lts work,im thinking its the relay but dont know exactly where it is on this car,is it square or round?metal covered or plastic?i have a service manual but it only gives generic,info.thanks for your help.

Hi Russell,
The common item that causes the flashing on and off is called the "combo flasher". It is yellow in color and is under the dash panel, to the right of the steering column and it is attached to an A/C duct*. There are also 4 relays, one for the bulbs on each corner of the car but they would have to all 4 quit at once for the two systems that you are having trouble with to stop. So don't bother with the relays. If you ever need to check one out, they are located above the driver's side kick panel in what is called the 'relay block' along with a number of other relays. Just check the panel next to you left shin, look up with a flashlight and you should see the relay block.
I don't know the cost of the combo flasher, but if you checked the fuses (there are 2 of them: #6 in the fuse panel for the turn signals, and #36 (yellow, in the power distribution center under the hood for the hazard flashers)) then it is the combo flasher {or another item called the turn signal cancellation and hazard switch, but that is less likely to be bad. It is located on the left side of the steering column and it gets the power from both of the fuses}. I believe the combo flasher is the most likely reason for your problems. *If you don't find it where I described it to be, look on the "center of the steering column" for a black object that plugs in. There is a disagreement between the wiring diagram manual and the electrical system manual as to its color and location. Let me know where you find it, and let me know if replacing it fixes your problem. It appears to function like the good old days where you have a simple flasher unit for a couple of bucks that makes your turn signals flash, but it is more complex because it also does the hazard flasher function.