Chrysler Repair: fuel system for a leberon, jumper wire, leberon
Questionhow to replace a fuel pump in a 1990 lebaron convertable with automatic transmission? it is a 3.0 6 cylinder engine.
AnswerHi Alan,
One other point, when I said the + post of the ignition coil I should have noted that in '90 the coil design changed so that the + post wasn't exposed, rather there is a weatherproof rubber connector plug that contains post contacts for the two posts of the coil. So if you want access to test the fuel pump you merely disconnect the rubber connector plug, look inside and you will see that the 2 contacts form sort of a "T", and the (+) contact is the vertical slot of the "T", the ground (-) is the top cross piece of the "T". So be careful when you jump from the + post of the battery that you touch the + and not the - post inside the plug, so as to not draw a huge current and burn yourself by doing a direct-to-ground shorted jumper wire!