Chrysler Repair: timing, crank pulley, plymouth voyager

do all my timing marks intersect at a tri-angle on a mitsubishi 2.6 liter 4 cylander  its a 1985 plymouth voyager

Hi Homer,
Sorry for the delay in replying, but the allexperts site was shut down for most of the day so I couldn't get back to you. I have the '85 shop manual but I am not understanding what you mean by the "timing marks intersect at a triangle".
Are you speaking about the silent chain and its three sprockets, the timing chain and its two sprockets, or the ignition timing mark on the crank pulley? If it is either the silent or timing chain, it is a bit complicated to explain but I will give you my best effort; but tell me which marks you are asking about. I'll fire it right back as soon as you let me know, provided there isn't another site shutdown.