Chrysler Repair: 89 lebaron fuel filter changing myself, engine controller, fuel filter

can you send me the directions on changing the fuel filter on an 1989 lebaron ?

My problem was I was driving down the highway on cruise control and the engine died.  When  I tried starting it again it would sputter and not stay running.  I am assuming it is the fuel pump.  However, after I had the car towed home, it started and ran for a while and I turned it off.

Hi Linda,
Which model do you have? We have an '89 coupe with the 2.5 non-turbo engine.
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it is the fuel filter, though it is a possibility, among many. What I would suggest is that you ask the engine controller to tell you if it has detected any faults in the system. To do this, take the ignition switch and turn it "On-Off-On-Off-On" and leave it on, doing this quickly so it takes less than 5 seconds to accomplish. Then watch the check engine light (or power loss light, if you have the turbo) to begin flashing, pause, flashing, pause, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause and make a mental or written note of the numbers. The last two sets of flashes will be 5 each. So if you then take the numbers and group them by pairs in the order they came out, the last two digit number will be a 55, which is the code for 'the readout is complete'. You can repeat the readout as often as you like to make sure you have the numbers accurately. Then write me back with the results.
I have had the car die twice on the highway, once it was the MAP sensor, and the othertime it was the fuel injector, so that is why I wouldn't conclude that the answer must be the fuel filter. It could also be something with the spark that is flakey, or with the mixture of fuel and air, etc.
So keep an open mind and proceed ahead. The fuel filter change is pretty straightforward and I'll tell you how after we exclude some of the other possibilities.
