Chrysler Repair:, credit card statements, u s post office
QuestionI ordered a part from over a year ago for my grand caravan and they did not have it in stock but charged my credit card for the parts. does it always take this long for a refund and who can one write to to get one. I've emailed customerservice several times to no respone
AnswerHi Holly,
You are correct to be concerned about the delay. I would gather the paper work (letters from the company, credit card statements from the time of the original charge to your credit card to the present, any copies of what and when you wrote the company) and begin by calling the credit card company and see if they will take your complaint and contact the company in your behalf to see if they will give you the credit you have yet to receive. If the credit card company won't do it because of the lapse of time, or if the parts company is not responsive to their request, then the consumer affairs complaint division of the office of the secretary of state of the state in which the company does its business from would be your next stop for help. I'm not certain whether the federal laws can help you (U.S. post office fraud, or interstate commerce fraud, or interstate telephone fraud) but those are other posssibilities. I'd get right on it with the credit card company, but do carefully examine all your statements to make sure that you truly didn't receive the credit. Sometimes it is difficult to read those statements. It should appear in a "credit" column rather than a "charges" column on most such statements.