QuestionI've got a 1995 Jeep Cherokee Sport, 6cyl, Auto, 4wd, AC, PW/DL, 120K. Was purchased new and has been serviced regularly by previous owner. I've had it 6 months and have developed the following electrical problem. Whenever a load (turning on AC, Wipers or plugging into cigar lighter) is placed on the dash mounted accessories, power is interupted to all of the above plus the radio. As soon as the load is removed, power is restored (as indicated by the display coming back on in the radio) This came on slowly, at first AC would go out for a minute or two and come back on it's own and has slowly gotten worse. Help?
Thanx, Dave
AnswerDave,The 95 Cherokee has been known to have bad or loose
wire connections throughout the whole car.I would first start lookikg close at the wires comming out of the fuse
box under the hood.Pay close attention to the fuses that supply power to or through the ignition switch.Thats all I got for you,good luck,tm