Classic/Antique Car Repair: Timing


Not a question, just appreciation.

I appreciate very much your "engineering" explanations.  I used to have a Model A coupe (1930) from 1968-1985.  I am probably going to get another one 30 years after selling the other one.

I am retired from Boeing and got my MS Aero from Minnesota in 1965.  

Enjoying your videos.


ANSWER: Thanks so much. You caught me on the golf course yesterday. That's why I'm so late getting back to you. I went to LSU. 1958. Bsme. Worked at Chrysler forever. Get that A. Very low cost hobby. Jack

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Jack. I just today watched your "How to time the Model A."  You said to rock the car back and forth in 3rd gear to find where the timing pin slips into the timing gear hole.  I used to time my Model A with the tranny in neutral by holding the pin with my left hand while using my right hand to turn the hand crank to turn the engine.  Was that not an equivalent way to complete that step?

I never did the extra step with the test light, so that's a good check and trouble shooting step.

Thanks, Ken

A lot of our members time it that way, using the crank.  My problem is that the crank only lets you turn the engine in one direction.  When I miss the dimple, I want to go back and find it.  With the crank, around you go again.  I find the dimple and quickly put the car in neutral and block the wheels so the engine can't turn while I'm timing it.  Better get that A while you still want it.  They are fun.  jack