Classic/Antique Car Repair: headlight/mirror combo., j c whitney, plymouth product

I have a light/mirror combination that I found in a shed. I had never seen anything like this but from the shape I guessed it had come off of a dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth product. The owner confirmed my guess and told me it came off of a 1957 (I forget make and model). Do you know of any vehicle that the Chrysler corporation would have built in 1957 that would have such a combination. It looks like the mirror would have had to been used for the rear view mirror (Roughly 3" dia) which would have made the light (also 3" dia) a fixed item unlike the common optional maneuverable spotlights of the day.  Has any one ever seen something like what I described and know what vehicle it was made for?

This was an accessory item that came out after the second world war. If I am right it has a clamp or clip that attached to the door. I am not sure but I believe that Chrysler Corp marketed them as well as the predicessor of J. C. Whitney and others. Check to see if there is a makers name or logo stamped on it somewhere. In my photo gallery I have a factory photo of a 1947 Chrysler Town & Country with those spot light/mirror combinations. Let me know if you find a mark.