Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1931 engine head replacement, good luck jack, cotton rope
QuestionMy engine head was crackedfrom a lack of water ,mistake by others.I have a replacement head but afer removing nuts ,water pump and dist I can not budge the head off after 40 years in place. I had advice from former parts suppier to put every thing back except leave some clearance at all nuts,then start the engine and combustion pressure should pop the head up ??Is this ok ,or any danger or is there a better way ?
AnswerYes, you can try that, but probably won't work. I had it work once. Won't hurt anything. Get 42 putty knives, 22 flat screw drivers and work them under the head. You will have to "worry" it off. Stick with it and it will come off. I have written about this in the past. Try to search for what I said. Get some small pieces of wood so when you do get it up a bit, slip them under the head so you won't pinch a finger. Easy to do. Just keep driving the tools under the head until you can start inching it up. You may break a few tools, but stay with it. It will come off, just have patience. Another old trick is to stuff some cotton rope in on top of the pistons when two are down and then put it in third and try to push the car. Good luck. Jack