Classic/Antique Car Repair: car left in storage wont start, Freeing a stuck engine

I have a 1963 Ford 260 v-8 that has been in storage for over 10 years I have tried to start it and it tries to start but won't.  I noticed that the belt is not turning the fan or the pulley below it.

Hello Steven,

It sounds like your engine is "stuck" or has formed internal rust sufficient that the pistons will not move in the cylinders. This is a very common condition with cars that have been sitting for an extended period of time. To confirm this, press the fan belt down so it's tight on the pulley and, using the fan, try to turn the engine over by hand (Transmission in neutral or park, of course). If engine turns, great! proceed to your fuel and electrical checks. If no, then you've got a problem that may or may not be solvable without disassembling the engine.

The easiest way to unstick an engine is to get a bottle of Marvel Mystery Oil (available at Walmart or any auto parts store). Remove the spark plug wires, labeling them by cylinder number,(As you face the engine from the grille side, front to back right are cylinders 1-4, front to back left are 5-8). Next, remove all the spark plugs and pour an ounce of the Marvell into each cylinder. Allow 3-5 days to let the lubricant penetrate. Try turning the engine by hand per above. If it turns, breathe easy and proceed to your next steps. If not, reapply the Marvel, let sit for another 5 days and try again. If still no, you're going to have to rebuild the engine.

Overall though, the Ford 260 is a pretty tough engine and can take a lot of abuse. Just be careful and, with a little luck, you'll be up and running in no time!

Best of luck,
