QuestionI have a VG quality Corvette with AC. The original compressor clutch broke. I live in NE FL. where AC is required 8+ months of the year. I am thinking about having a "new" 2012 type compressor unit vice a replacement GM 1967 era compressor installed. All the brackets & hose attachment are exact fit for the mondern unit. My reasoning is that the modern unit should make the AC system more efficient/ run cooler?? Thanks in advance for your answer!
AnswerHello Michael,
This is one of those solutions that looks like a no brainer on paper but should be evaluated from a systems standpoint because there are other issues to consider.
Aside from the originality issues on your Corvette, the cooling performance on your car depends on many other factors besides compressor performance or capacity. Specifically, your car was originally equipped with an R12 system while the new compressor is most likely designed for a modern R145 system. Are you prepared to make a full R145 conversion at the same time?
Additionally, it is common that R145 conversions from original R12 systems don't cool as well as the original, certainly a consideration in FLA. In fact, I have seen a movement BACK to R12 for vintage systems because they cool better! Turns out that despite the ozone scare with R12, this Fremont is still available in part because of mechanic's opinions about the performance on older cars. Now, I don't know if the preceding is the case on Corvettes but wouldn't be surprised if this were a consideration.
What I would do is find a good (older!)automotive A/C guy in your area and discuss this swap from a overall systems standpoint as above. In fact, I'd also talk to your local Corvette club for assistance and advice as I know one thing: there's no need to reinvent the wheel here. Someone has undoubtedly already figured out how to maximize the output of your systems and how to do it!
Sorry to rain on your parade but this is a time to gather all the local expertise you can to get the most performance at the lowest cost. I think you'll thank me for suggesting this approach in the end.
Best of luck with your C2!