Classic/Antique Car Repair: car will not start, nuts and bolts, surgical nurse
QuestionI,m back. The one with the 1954 packard that will not start.I had to take the head off again because i stripped the threads in a spark plug hole.Maybe that was good because when i turned the head upside down i noticed in those recessed areas where the spark plugs go,(i don't know what you call them)5 of them looked clean but the last 3 looked very dry and even a little rusty.I'm wondering if i have something in the intake manifold.In order for me to take the manifold off,i will have to cut or break the bolts that hold the exhaust pipe to the manifold because they are rusted solid and i don't want to do that until i know exactly how the manifold comes off.Does it sit on top of the studs and the nuts hold it on or do i have to take the nuts completely off. If i have to take the nuts off they look impossible to put back on.I looked in the service manual but all it shows is the manifold off and the nuts off. well, thank you again jim
AnswerThe nuts have to come off to get the manifold off the studs. Putting them back on is a bit of a chore, but I have in my tool box a dozen medical forceps and clamps. these are great for working in tight places. I see them in flea markets from tome to time. A friend of mine, Dave Gove, who used to run a shop in Boston He got them from his daughter who worked as a surgical nurse. The hospital would throw them away after so many uses. Also another trick to install nuts and bolts is to pack a socket with Play Do and then stuff the nut into it. Then with the socket on an extension put the nut on the stud. Some tool stores also sell magnets that fit into sockets to do the same thing. But being a cheap Yankee I like the Play Do trick.