Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1976 rols royce long weel base, electronic fuel injection, rols royce

i just get my car from California to Israel,and have some problems:
when the car unloaded from the track the cooling hoze between the gear and the radiator was broken and all the red fluid was spilled.
i took it to my mechanical here and he fix a new hoze and fill the missing oil...than the yellow light works reverse when the switch was on the light was of and when i started the engine the yellow light(oil presser)was on after a few test we find the problem in the unit oil and we replace it and than the yellow works normal,the main problem now is when i start the engine the car works for 30 second and than its stop???
i am facing a multi electrical problems that i am sure that this problem wasn't when the car left California to Israel(the radio not work the fuel meter not work and the oil unit was shortcut)
can you advise me what to do specially why the engine stop running after 30 second?
many thanks

ANSWER: Hello Israel,

I can't definitively answer your question but can help narrow down the possibilities. I don't think the hose problem from unloading and the electrical problems you see now are related unless you ran the car without sufficient transmission fluid (the red stuff) for an extended period of time.

Rather, I think your electrical problems are coincidental to the transmission leak. I believe your car has a first generation, electronic fuel injection system (Bosch K-Jetronic?). Your stalling is likely a faulty sensor in this system as 30 seconds is about the time the system would go from the "start" mode to "Warm up" mode. Have your mechanic get a shop manual and start troubleshooting. I think you'll quickly find your problem(s).

Best of luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi bob,
thanks for your replay,we did give a direct supply to the fuel pump and the engine was run good,on Sunday i will take the car for electrician car for inspection,i think that when the car get to Israel port some idiot did a wrong starting the car by booster(low battery)and cause to some electric problem...can you tell me where is the pump relay located?didn't the fuse box should protect the peripheral sensors and relays?

Hello Israel,

Good detective're on your way! Careless use of the booster(jumper in the USA)can damage elctronics as you note. Regarding fuel pump relay location,I'm sorry, but I'm  not an expert on Rolls-Royce Mechanicals, but I have a fellow expert who is, just follow the links to the Experts qualifications pages to find him.

And yes, your fuse box should protect the major systems and components of your car. For major components, it is common to find "fusible links", a resistor that fails open upon excess load. Unlike the fuses in your fuse box, when this component fails, you must replace the entire resisitor which can be found underhood or occasionally at the mounting position near the fuel pump. Again, a Rolls expert could make short work of this question.

Overall, it appears to me that an over current or voltage condition was created in in your car at some point causing premature failures in your electrical system. This is all correctable with a methodical diagnostic approach. One recommendation: you naturally pay attention to failures on the car but what about repair parts? Replace with OEM when you can,
