Classic/Antique Car Repair: starting engine in 1930 ModelA

I will be selling my fathers Model A that he lovingly restoreed35 years ago. However, the engine has not been started in over 6 years and I don't want to try to sell it unless we can get the engine to turnover. I need someone to be able to come to the house. Willow Grove, PA 19090.

Connie, check around to see if there is a Model A club in your area.  If you find one, contact them and ask for their help. Go to
That is one national club.

My advice, keep the car.  The engine will start right up, I am sure.  Charge the batt, put some gas in the tank and off you go.  If it is important to the family, let it sit until a grandkid can handle it.  Sitting for 20 yrs will not hurt it.  
Go to and search for my book about Model A Tips and Hints.  Just search jack bahm and my books will come up.  You don't have to buy the book.  I have it set up so you can preview the whole book.  That will help you understand what you have.  They are great cars, and if you have one in the family that has meaning, keep it instead of getting $5000-$20,000.

Back to the car, put it in neutral, spark lever up, key on, gas turned on, pull the choke out and hold it out while you hit the starter, count to three and push the choke in and it will start.  It says here!!!!!!

I talk about starting the car in my book.

Let me know if I can help with anything.

Connie, contact Janice Barker at   [email protected].
Janice is an officer in MARC, and can help you. She knows some people in your area.