Classic/Antique Car Repair: 94chevy caprice classic keeps shuting off, caprice classic, chevy car
Questionmy 94chevy caprice classic shuts off when i turn the headlights, turn signals, reverse or brake lights on. It drives perfect until i have to use one of these lights then it just shuts off
AnswerI'm sorry but I don't know anything about your Chevy. I am a Model A guy. There could be a short in one o, or all of the light circuits. Look at the circuit that feed all of these lights if you can find it. Find a chevy car club and join it. They will have all the answers and help you fix it. Get a service manual for your car and look through it. You may have a circuit breaker instead of a fuse. Your system could detect the short and do an automatic shut-down. Find the lamp fueses and start pulling them. Try to keep the engine running after you pull each fuse and then turn on the lights.
Good luck. Sorry I could not help you.