Classic/Antique Car Repair: Starting Problem, starter solenoid, gage wire
QuestionQUESTION: 92 Deville will not start after motor gets too hot. Will start after setting for a while. Could I have a coil or condenser problem?
ANSWER: Does the starter spin the engine over at the normal cranking speed when It will not start? Let me know.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The starter does not spin. It seems as if there is no connection. All of the electronics work.
AnswerAh Ha, he said. If the starter does not spin the problem is only in the starter system. That will include the ignition switch, neutral starter switch, solenoid, or the starter itself. Of course do not forget the wiring to all of these components. In cases like this I have been known to install some temporary wiring to the starter, solenoid, and other components. Use a small gage wire like 14 or 18 and run the wires up top side in the engine compartment. That way I can get a voltmeter connected when the problem occurs without climbing under the car and see where the voltage stops. That will tell you where the problem is. Oh, does the car have an alarm system?